Regrets of the traveler

Episode XIV

Turmoil across the galaxy. The Empire and the Rebellion has fought for dominion for four years, ever since the Battle of Yavin. People on the outer rim of the galaxy has found themselves rootless, exploited, displaced and competing for scarce resources. 

On the core worlds however people live much like before, ruled and supplied by the Empire.

Taungsday, 8th Ululu, 5ABY, above Ralltiir,
Just last Taungsday I sat quietly crocheting in a luxury seat at the Avadora Starliner. Lady Aggie Muii, my employer and erstwhile tormenter sat across from me, glaring angrily. To the other ladies seated with us at the balcony, Lady Muii tried to seem relaxed and to enjoy herself, but she could not hide her anger from me. I must admit to taking a little pleasure in annoying her. The Avadora was slowly gliding above the planet Ralltiir allowing all the fancy passengers to watch the spectacular and unusual sunset.

How hard can it be, they said. How much work can one old lady be, they said. A lot, it turns out. A kriffing enormous amount.

Lady Muii is an insecure, spoiled and entitled, fat old Twi’lek who airs her dramaqueen act as often as permissible.

I, innocently and not at all aware of any of her “quirks” took a job as a companion to Lady Muii, and I thought it would give me the opportunity to see some more of the galaxy. She was going on a cruise of some of the more peaceful areas where the war hasn’t really happened, curtesy of her son. The son she never shuts up about, by the way, who is “high up in the empire and working on some big secret project”. Or so she claims.

I remember him from when I tok a job fixing uniforms for some soldiers on Courosant and he was a snivelling coward who had failed upwards. I let her believe what she wants though, even if it is hard to hold my tongue when she berates me and our droid companion, TC-16.

TC-16’s main job is to help us with luggage and other carrying. And all the other things a protocol droid does, of course.

Most of my days consists of sitting with Lady Muii, and if she is otherwise alone, chat and entertain her. If she is not alone and sits with some of our fellow travellers, I sit there in silence. I am expected to stay informed on our headings, our stops and whats worth doing there. But most of all, this time spent sitting in the dining rooms, tea rooms and by viewports watching the galaxy slowly travel by, I long to crochet. Sadly I am working on a big bulky blanket just now and Lady Muii does not find it suitable for her companion to work on something so plebeian. In stead I can embroider, or write, or simply sit there, she says. At first I was so angry I could ram a bantha, and insulted as well, but now my fingers just itch to crochet and enjoy the feeling of watching my design come to life, one little square at the time. When I have some time to myself it is so satisfying to make this C2C blanket.

I designed the pattern after we stoped off at space port on Garinia. I saw this striking looking alien that I made into a pattern. Later on when we stoped on Tinel I found some white and blue yarn, and as I always travel with some of my crochet hooks, I started making the blanket. At first, when there was just a small triangle and one or two balls of yarn attached, Lady Muii didn’t say anything. Later as it grew, she stoped me though. And now I sit here and long for my crocheting.

Lady Muii is sitting with three other rich, old women, chatting about the war and those awful rebels. They are all sent on this cruise by their families and they are all related to higher ups in the empire, or weapons dealers or some such thing. They sit here and mostly ignore the war that is raging across the galaxy and complain if their inbos are two minutes late or their view isn’t perfect.

I know it’s an act, of course. Lady Muii isn’t all that bad, and she just wants to fit in. She doesn’t have the same access to wealth as these others, and I have a feeling she isn’t a complete stranger to a bit of work. I wish these old biddies would learn a small lesson though. Just to remind them of the rest of the galaxy and everyone else's suffering.

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